Csilla Pálos - Introduction

I am Csilla Pálos, an attorney-at-law by my original profession.
After my children were born, I suffered from constant pain in my waist due to chronic lumbago. I tried several alternative treatments and techniques. Sometimes my condition improved slightly but - as I was using my body in the wrong way due to my bad habits - I always relapsed.
Alexander technique was the method that completely healed me.
At the same time it has brought lots of news colours, discoveries and joys in my life. I soon decided that not only did I want to take lessons but I also wished to receive training as a teacher.
This meant a further 3 years of learning, involving 1600 hours of practice.
I received my internation degree in 2005. I am a registered teacher of the international organisation, ATI (Alexander Technique International).
I did not only lose my own pain - I have managed to relieve a lot of other people of theirs.